The Wheel Of Time

Introduction 33 April 2023

Temple Temple

Ethiopia's Sacred Site Older than Rome OR Greece

Older than Western Civilization / Older than Western Religions

Temple Temple

Temple Temple

Ethiopia / Sudan - Step Pyramids Older than Egypt, This is Older than the Western World

There are over 400 Structures like this

This is Egypt's Older Sister / Sibling

Temple Temple Temple

A Church in Barcelona, it was made by the Moors ( Black Africans ) while they Ruled in Italy & these Relics / Artifacts are Forgotten Technology & Can't be reproduced

WE know this because WE asked, They are just trying to maintain it but can not. As they no longer build like this anymore.

Thus it will disappear / Same goes for other Old World Structures

The Knowledge of the Old World has been Forgotten

Thus the Wheel Of Time - you could even say they are Relics of a Older Time:

Like they do in The Lord Of The Rings ( the Power Rings are Ancient Technology )

But do you see what I mean by the Wheel Of Time

What kind of Mind / Spiritual people build this kind of Relics of the past.

Because we know they where humans

Thy don't think we are advanced, we live in Shiny Barbarism

These relics come from civil people, from a True Civilization

That's why thy don't trust those in leadership / this stuff hides in plain sight and we don't see it because our MINDS are Enslaved

Makes you wonder what was stolen or forgotten, SOULS? MINDS? MEMORY?

Where did that inner beauty go that made this possible?

Do we truly worship God / Universal Force because The Ancient World did in BODY & SOUL.

The Relics speak for themselves

And this is just what you see at the surface level, it gets scary diving into the abyss, to see what True Spiritual Connection can Create & Reveal.

Imagine Ancient Tradition & Culture & the Ancient World

Ancient Africa / India / China / America / Russia etc...

Thus the Wheel Of Time will Break & we will become Relics of a Forget Age

The TRUTH is no Catholic / Christian or Any True Religious / Spiritual Human Being would have Left Any Child to Face this Problem ( Climate Change / Sixth Mass Extinction )

That's what Spiritual Blackout means & thus what does this Truth Reveal about US ALL

People have Lost their Minds & Souls

The Price for Lies & Silence & Denial is Deep

But we Endure

Follow the Way Of The Leaf

Unity by Diversity

“The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little, but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.” - H.P. Lovecraft (The Call of Cthulhu)

“To achieve the essence of real externality, whether of time or space or dimension, one must forget that such things as organic life, good and evil, love and hate, and all such local attributes of a negligible and temporary race called mankind, have any existence at all.” - H.P. Lovecraft’s Letter to Farnworth Wright (1927)

“There are things that will happen, that will make you Feel Powerless, that will make you Feel Insignificant. That’s it, they just feelings & sometime you have to Stop Feeling & Start Doing.

Do you know what we are Sitting On?

A Lot of ENERGY, with no where to GO

You Lose your Sense of Time in the Dark

So lets Light this Shit Up”

- (Underwater 2020 Film)

The Dark One / The Source

Forgotten Memory / Recovered Memory


Stories of the Humanity

Be GleeMan Comrades